The Colosoul Group Inc. begun in 2005 as a response to the growing need for hands on youth participation within the arts and media industry. With the difficulty of attaining the right skills due to the lack of mentorship available Colosoul opened its doors to youths from the ages of 13-25 years old. Colosoul over the years has helped hundreds of youths to find a pathway that best suits the individual giving them guidance, encouraging self confidence and empowering them through small business.
Colosoul is a non-profit group in Australia that needed to present its programs in an attractive and intelligible way. Their original website did not benefit them, not adapting to mobile devices and not providing all the necessary information.
I sent them a redesign offer explaining all the advantages of switching to a new format. The offer once accepts, we began analyzing the information and structure required. The new website was first thought for mobile, with the ability to automatically adapt to desktop devices.
Colosoul team provided us with the best pictures and videos they had, and together we created a website to bring out the group’s message.
We have put a lot of emphasis on images and visuals as large as we’ve used color combinations and fonts as enjoyable to give the website an identity and personality.
We integrated the content of the YouTube account directly into the main page to highlight existing video. Another important addition is the online store, where visitors can purchase tickets to organized events or various products offered.
Finally, we have ensured the integration of all the social networks that the Colosoul group is working on. Both as a link and as sharing options on the website.