DRPCIV - Auto Quizzes
We are an online creation and advertising agency. Your business in the digital environment is a journey in which we guide you and offer you all the tools you need. Through different display and visibility strategies, based on added value, not on traditional advertising, we help you to be unique and authentic in front of your customers.
We accompany you from the first digital step to the peak of success. From the brand, to the website, to mobile applications and digital marketing, we offer you a fresh perspective on the online environment. We discover the unique element of your business and wrap it in a pleasant and friendly packaging, so that your clientele can fully enjoy it. Because the essence of any successful business is the story it offers, in which the visitor can immerse himself and find a refuge.
We are SenDesign, the agency that emphasizes emotion and uniqueness.
It is an application developed by us, the SenDesign Team! Made in a process of testing Android technologies, DRPCIV is the newest addition to the SenDesign portfolio.
It is the ideal application for those who want to support the practical driving test. Contains all exam categories: Category A, A1, A2, AM, B, B1, C, C1, D, D1, Tb, Tv, BE, CE, DE, C1E, D1E, TR, Recovery.
Together with all the tools needed to pass the theoretical exam:
- Well-structured learning environment
- Car indicators
- Road markings
- Road code
- Road regulation
- Courses of legislation, such as ecological management and first aid
- Ranking
- Ability to track friends’ progress
- Daily bonuses
- Ability to completely customize your application colors.
What is different from the competition? An attractive, fluid and pleasant design. A base of questions, indicators, markings, legislation and courses updated in 2019. Format identical to the one from the exam. And, most importantly, the Questionnaire of the Day. Here are the most frequently asked and most frequently asked questions. Yes! The application automatically performs the statistics of the questions and serves the ones you have encountered the most difficulties.
The settings section is comprehensive. You can set the answers to be displayed in random order. This avoids mechanical memorization. You can disable the display of the correct answer and choose the waiting time for the learning environment.
In the History and Reports section you can see your progress by category on different sections along with the promotability rate.
Upon first access, the questions are downloaded from the database and stored locally. Each time you start, the database is queried for updates. This way you always have the latest information.
Through the ranking you can compete weekly with your friends in a motivating format. The ranking is reset every week. The first 3 places unlock a trophy they can be proud of on their profile page.
From the settings section you can choose the color of the application or activate the dark mode.