SEO optimization – What is it and how does it affect Google listings?
20/08/2018Design Techniques: The 5 Aspects of a Successful Website
01/09/2018SEO optimization – What is it and how does it affect Google listings?
20/08/2018Design Techniques: The 5 Aspects of a Successful Website
01/09/2018Web Maintenance: Is Your Website Up to Date?
The online environment is in full swing. Does your website benefit from constant web maintenance? Has the content been as relevant as it was at launch? Does it work just as well from a technical point of view? Let’s see why you should.
Why you should keep your website up to date?
Design trends change from year to year. So is the visitor’s perception. Your company website is the first contact the potential customer has with your brand. If the public’s perception of your website is “obsolete” or “old-fashioned”, then this will also affect the image of your business. While a new visual identity and a fresh look will improve the online reputation and the website’s success.
Does your website adapt to mobile devices? Currently, over 70% of traffic on a website comes from mobile. If your pages can not be viewed from such devices, you risk losing a significant number of potential customers. Not to mention that Google penalizes websites with mobile viewing issues. The web service requires compatibility with all devices used by your visitors.
Un bun exemplu în reprezintă motorul de căutare Google. L-ai mai folosit dacă ar fi rămas la aspectul din 2010 în timp ce restul motoarelor ar avea un aspect modern? De ce a făcut Google trecerea la un nou design în fiecare an, deși cel vechi era perfect funcțional? Pentru a fi în pas cu concurența și cu noile tendințe în materie de design. Pentru a atrage utilizatorii prin inovație și modernism.
A good example of this is the Google search engine. Would you ever used it if it stayed in the 2010 look while the rest of the engines would have a modern look? Why has Google switched to a new design every year, although the old one was perfectly functional? To keep up with the competition and the new design trends. To attract users through innovation and modernity.
Make sure your web maintenance package includes visual updates.
Why update the content of the website?
It is very important that only relevant and up-to-date content is available on your website. First, to get your customers up-to-date. Second, for your brand’s reputation. How about if your customers were calling for some services you no longer offer? Or for a promotion that is no longer valid? Worse, if you do not have the full service offer, how will your customers find you?
Conținutul actual, este optimizat SEO? Paginile website-ului apar în Google? După cum am discutat într-un articol anterior, lipsa optimizării SEO are repercusiuni grave asupra unui website. Nu va apărea în paginile de căutare sau va avea o poziție foarte proastă. Acest rezultat nefiind de dorit, este necesară o mentenanță web care să asigure optimizarea SEO după ultimele standarde și criterii.
Is the current content SEO optimized? Do website pages appear on Google? As discussed in a previous article, the lack of SEO optimization has serious repercussions on a website. It will not appear on the search pages or will be in a very bad position. This result is undesirable, a web maintenance is required to ensure optimization of SEO according to the latest standards and criteria.
Why update the technologies behind the website?
Although seemingly functional, an outdated website may hazard a lot of problems:
- Loading speed. Because it uses old technologies, it does not benefit from the latest optimizations and speed adjustments. Even if apparently loading well, it is likely to cause problems on certain devices, Internet speeds or simply be weaker than competition. Google keeps track of upload speed when generating search queries.
- It does not work properly. Pages that do not work or are not displayed correctly.
- It does not work on mobile.
- It’s vulnerable. It does not have the latest security updates. A more upset hacker can compromise the website or even the entire server.
- You do not benefit from new features. New technologies mean new functionalities and ways of delivering content.
It is blocking at a high level of traffic. If the technologies behind the website are slow, then they risk overloading the server and thus no longer available when traffic levels increase.
Everything can be solved with a web maintenance package!
In conclusion, in a market that moves daily, the website needs to be adapted to the new standards. It is important to ensure that it has relevant content, runs on up-to-date technologies and has a modern and pleasant design. This ensures its success and increases your flow of online customers.
Ai probleme cu website-ul? Nu mai rulează sau nu apare în Google? Te ajutăm noi! Poți achiziționa un pachet de mentenanță web la doar 50€ + TVA pe lună.
Do you have problems with your website? Does it no longer run or appear on Google? We can help you! You can purchase a web maintenance package at just 50 € + VAT per month.